WildWorks Writing Wiki




I was in Aldan, Jamaa Township, trading as usual. I was Tranquil Gentlelight, an Arctic Fox.

My user had dressed me in blue, a rare lei, ribbon tail, a star hat, and leaf armor. I felt very pretty.

But then, my user logged off. I shrugged. It happened randomly.

Suddenly, I received a Jam-A-Gram.

Odd..... I thought. Usually, only my user answers these.

But I opened it anyway.

Oh, how I wished I hadn't.

Chapter One[]


It sounded harmless. It was from a new jammer. I clicked out and looked around. Jamaa Township had emptied slightly, only a couple people in here now. I noticed a non-member, new jammer wolf. All in white. With round white eyes.

"PLAY WITH ME!" they said. Then I got a buddy request.

I felt slightly uncomfortable but accepted.

"Come to my den, let's play there!"

So I complied.

Chapter Two[]

Something felt wrong the second I entered the den.

The recycling can made me especially uncomfortable.

It was empty, besides the recycling can.

And then, the new jammer said to me:

"You look cool!"


"What do I look like?"

I didn't reply.



"Blank. I know that's what you're thinking. I know you."

My paw flicked to the den button and clicked it. It glitched, not letting me in.

"I know you."

And then--

Chapter Three[]

All I felt was a pain. My items were ripped off me. Just more blinding pain. I couldn't even make a sound. I only wanted it to be over.

And then it was.

I opened my eyes and looked around. The new jammer was staring at me.

"You look like me."

I looked down at myself through the clothing tab and a scream burst in my chest. My colors were gone. I was pure white with blank round eyes. All my items were gone. "WHAT DID YOU DO?"

"You look nice now."

I couldn't say a word.

"I know you."

I squeezed my eyes shut.

"You know me, don't you? You remember me."

"I don't know you, please, stop, I have no idea-!"

"You don't know who I am?"

I shook my head, tears streaming down my muzzle as the pain returned. I shook.

"I A M I N F I N I T Y"

Chapter Four[]

The den flickered and I nearly crashed. The pain didn't stop. The den returned.

"I A M B L A N K, L I K E Y O U A R E. T E L L M E W H O Y O U A N D I A R E N O W. Y O U K N O W M E."

The words were forced into my head and I could barely choke them out.

"B-blank Infinity.... th-that's all I am now, aren't I? A nightmare that will go on forever."

"Y o u ' r e a q u i c k l e a r n e r."

"Why? I d-don't understand, why would you--why, why do you do this to me?" I couldn't see straight.

" I D O N ' T U N D E R S T A N D." Blank Infinity sounded uncomfortable.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I summoned the last of my strength and stood. "Why?"

". . . . . . . y o u w o u l d n ' t u n d e r s t a n d ."

I felt more confident now that I had this terror out of its comfort zone. "Try me. You said yourself I'm a fast learner."

" F I NE. I' l l tel l yo u."

I sat, exhausted.

So did Blank Infinity.

"I w as a jammer once- like you. Like a n o r m a l a n i m a l." They stopped, eyes flashing dangerous light. " I had friends, I was popular, I had rares. and t h e n.... My best f r i e n d. They s t r i p p e d me of my account. I can't get back, no matter how many times I've tried. They took e v e r y t h i n g from me. I was f o r c e d onto this account, but animal jam n e v e r wanted me back on, thinking it was t h e m. My user quit. So I was forced into these glitches, this name tag. I can't change my colors, buy items or have my username change. I can't even die or recycle myself. So I used those to my advantage, get my R E V E N G E."

I couldn't speak. I couldn't process Blank Infinity once being a normal wolf.

"I'm sorry."

" W H A T ? !" Blank Infinity flared up and the den flickered again.

"I'm sorry for you. It must hurt so much."

" W h a t a r e y o u d o i n g . . . . ?"

"I'm sorry for you; I'm not mad... Just... it hurts so much." I hugged myself.

" Y o u ' r e a p o l o g i z i n g ?"


Instantly, Blank Infinity leaped into the sky. The air around them crackled. The room went dark and the pain came back harder. I dropped, crying out.

" Y  O  U    W  I  L  L    P  A  Y    F  O  R    W  H  A  T    Y  O  U      H  A  V  E     D  O  N  E     T  O    M  E  !"

"Wait, what?!" I screamed. "I didn't hack you!"

" Y O U C O N F E S S E D!"

"I WAS EMPATHISING WITH YOU!" I howled with the last of my energy. "I DIDN'T DO IT!" 

Blank Infinity didn't seem to care. 


Blank Infinity kept hovering.

"I'm so sorry this is how you feel..." I said as the dark room went hazy. I tried to remember good memories. Jamaalidays. Lucky Clovers... 

And then everything went black.

