WildWorks Writing Wiki
Frostbyte - Dog OC

It was a cold December night. A pair of friends scaled up Mt. Shiveer, the moon a somewhat eerie shade of crimson - a blood moon. Major Grandmaster, the daring snow leopard of the two, swished his tail swiftly and climbed up onto the mountain peak, looking out for anything - or rather anyone - in sight. "M-Major?" whimpered Tiny Littleclaw, the easily scared cheetah. "A-Are you sure we should be doing this? I've h-heard rumors about animals becoming m-monsters at a time like this." Major was a bit too over his head, as he replied with a somewhat rude, "Hell no! Rumors will be rumors! There's no way there can be a grain of truth!" Tiny sighed - he was in fact a bit more smarter than Major, and what his 'brave' friend had said was not the wisest thing in the world. Major began waiting, kicking little bits of stone as a sign of impatience for something. Something - something he could eventually fear as a master. Tiny suddenly screamed out of fear, trying to point out something in the dark midnight air, spreading its bat-like wings and diving towards Major.

It was him - He of the Eclipses and The Icy Vampire of the Night - Frostbyte.

Major screamed as Frostbyte sank his fangs into the fur of his victim, transmitting vampire genes into the snow leopard's bloodstream. Tiny did the unthinkable - he pulled out a crossbow and shot a bolt into his friend's head, gorily killing him as the cold body fell to the ground, blood and bits of brain sloshing out of the hole in his head. Silence followed, only accompanied by the slight breathing from the traumatized cheetah, staring in shock at what he had done. Shivering, he shakily rose his camera up and the silent click of it followed, a picture gently floating to the ground. Frostbyte suddenly dashed towards Tiny, who screamed in agony as the same set of fangs sank into his flesh, transmitting indeed the very same vampire DNA into his bloodstream. The timid cheetah began to change - a pair of bat-like wings painfully sprouted from his back, a pair of fangs following them. Frostbyte took off into the air with Tiny, and all that remained of his presence was Tiny's now smashed camera, the photo, Major's corpse, and the crossbow.

In the morning, a Jammer who wished to remain anonymous indeed managed to see the terrible sight, and screamed like a girl instantly at the sight of it. Police arrived at the scene, and looked everywhere for anyone else who could be lingering around the scene. Asides from scooping up some of the bloodied snow, they found the now transformed Tiny hiding in the rocky blocked cave, trying to prevent any of the police from making physical contact with him out of fear. Ignoring Tiny's pleas, the police forcefully dragged him out of the cave, but he slipped out of their grasp and hid back in the rocky cave, blocking it up once more. This was only the one true Frostbyte incident where someone died, and the only one with proof of his existance.

A few years passes, and everyone had forgotten about the incident. The picture and the smashed camera were simply dismissed as a hoax, and they even dismissed Tiny the now vampire-ridden cheetah as a bit of a hoax as well, claiming he had asked the Alphas themselves to give him his present look. Well, my friends, you are about to regret forgetting this instance and the fact that it did happen, for I am Frostbyte himself.
